In author Keiko Suenobu's story, 5 high school girls fight for survival in the mountains. *It's a shame that a male of the species didn't survive in this accident to spice up this “survival”*
Nanami Sakuraba, 20 years old, will star in a live-action survival and suspense story, created by Keiko Suenobu , adapted for the small TV screen! The story begins when five girls survive an accident with their school bus, which ends up leaving them adrift in the mountains hungry, thirsty, without anything, etc. Forcing poor people to fight for their lives in an environment that, I believe, is hostile.
Actress Shinohara will play the character Mizuki Konno, the second-year girl who, through the terrible situation she finds herself in with her friends, works on her personality, becoming strong and mature. The actress also commented on the sense of realism she felt when reading the script for the story of the 5 students, and felt the pressure on her skin when she saw that the original manga series had many fans! *it's pressure!*
Below are photos of the actresses who will play the other 3 remaining girls:
Author Suenobu debuted the manga “The Limit” in 2009, and publisher Vertical will be publishing five of six volumes this month in North America. Tokyopop published part of his work, the manga “Life”, in North America, before closing its doors to advertising there. In addition, “Life” also inspired a live-action TV series in 2007. The last manga released by Suenobo was “Hope” in February of that year.
The series “The Limit” will premiere in July and will be broadcast every Friday at 00:12.