News related to the story and character of Hai-Furi, the original series by Atto (あっと) was released in Comic Alive magazine, the same person who did Non Non Biyori.
The protagonist is named “Akeno Misaki” and has a nickname of Mike-chan, who is described as a happy, very active person. One of his quotes is: “ Any friend of the sea is family to me! ”
The story takes place in modern-day Japan, a maritime nation, where it is necessary to have specialized schools to teach essential skills for protecting the sea. The girls who study at this school become protectors of the sea and live by the motto “In the sea we live, the sea we protect, and through the sea we go”.
The next issue of Comic Vivo will reveal more details about the project, including an interview with the anime's staff, and more of the anime's characters.
Via: ANN