Through the official Project Itoh website , the trailer for the Gyakusatsu no kikan and Harmony films was shown. Remembering that each production will have a different team.
Harmony will be released on December 4th, and will be directed by Takashi Nakamura and Michael Arias, with production at Studio 4°C. Gyakusatsu kikan (Genocidial Organ) will be released on November 13th, and will be directed by Shukou Murase, with production by Manglobe .
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Project Itoh (伊藤計劃)
It is a film project by noitaminA, which will feature three films: Harmony , Gyakusatsu kikan and Shisha no Teikoku , all of them based on the original novels by Satoshi Itou, also known as 'Project Itoh'.
All three will have different productions and studios.
Check out the trailer below:
Source: ANN
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