Defeating Arlo in Pokémon Go requires strategy and knowledge about his shadowy Pokémon . The leader of the GO Rocket team brings a powerful and unpredictable cast, divided into three battles. To overcome it, it is essential to choose the best counters for each of its possible Pokémon.
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Facing Arlo: What do you need to know
Before challenging Arlo, you need to find it in the game. For this, you need a Radar Rocket , obtained by collecting six mysterious components by defeating Recruits of the Go Rocket team .
After locating it, the challenge unfolds in three phases, each bringing a different Pokémon. The first one will always be the same, while the next two may vary between three options, making the battle more unpredictable.
Phase 1: Shadow Alolan Gimer
Arlo's first Pokémon will always be a Shadow Alolan Gimor poisonous and dark types . This Pokémon has high resistance to ghost, night, grass, poison and psychic earth -type movements .
Best Couns
- Therian Forma Landorus - Mud Shot (Agile) and Sandsear Storm (loaded)
- Excadrill - Mud-Slap and Scorching Sands
- Primal Groudon (dark and mega version are also great options)
Phase 2: Shadow Slowbro, Shadow Dugtrio or Shadow Gyarados
Here, Arlo can choose one between three shadowy Pokémon. The strategy will depend on the opponent he brings.
Shadow Slowbro (water and psychic)
Weaknesses: insect, night, electric, ghost and grass
best counters:
- ZEKRO - Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
- Mega Gengar - Lick and Shadow Ball
- Mega Tyranitar - Bite and Brutal swing
- Kartana - Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
Shadow Dugtrio (Earth)
Weaknesses: grass, ice and water
best counters:
- Kyogre - Waterfall and Origin Pulse
- Mega Swampert - Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Primal Kyogre - Waterfall and Origin Pulse
- Kartana - Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
Gyarados shadow (water and flying)
Weaknesses: Electric and Stone
Best Couns:
- ZEKRO - Charge Beam and Wild Charge
- Shadow Raikou - Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Mega Manectric - Thunder Fang and Wild Charge
- Shadow Electivire - Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
Phase 3: Shadow Alolan Muk, Shadow Scizor or Shadow Metagross
In the final phase, Arlo can choose one between three shadowy Pokémon. Each requires a different approach.
Shadow Alolan Muk (poisonous and dark)
Weaknesses: Terra
Best Couns:
- Primal Groudon - Mud Shot and Precice Blades
- Excadrill - Mud-Slap and Scorching Sands
- Shadow Rhyperior - Mud-Slap and Earthquake
Shadow Scizor (insect and steel)
Weaknesses: Fire
- Reshiram - Fire Fang and Fusion Flare
- Mega Charizard Y - Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Blaziken - Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Shadow Moldes - Fire Spin and Overheat
Shadow Metagross (Steel and Psychic)
Weaknesses: Fire, Ghost, Night and Terra
Best Couns:
- Mega Gengar - Lick and Shadow Ball
- Mega Charizard X - Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Primal Groudon - Mud Shot and Precice Blades
- Shadow Hydreigon - Bite and Brutal Swing
Defeating Arlo in Pokémon Go requires the right planning and the right counters . As it can alternate your Pokémon in the second and third phase, it is important to have a versatile team and cover all possible weaknesses. Darkly have increased damage, making the battle challenging. Therefore, investing in fast loaded movements and high strength Pokémon can be the key to victory.