Hello editors and otakus from my Brazil, once again Rafael Shinzo, passing by to leave a very interesting text related to AMV editing. for those who don't see themselves as a super amv editor and walk around thinking they'll never achieve their goals. I really want you all to finish reading this entire text. Happy reading!!
NOTE: Some parts of this text were written by Godix for the website AnimeMusicVideo.org
What's the reason for doing AMV?
Motivation :
The first thing you may have thought of when you decided to create AMV: “Why are you interested in creating AMV?” If your answer is “that sounds like a lot of fun!” So this is the reason.
If you want to win prizes, be popular, or gain followers then you should rethink and reflect. The truth is that thousands of AMV's made out there can be called 'popular'. If your main goal is to flatter the masses, then you should find another hobby . Because this hobby is supposedly made for Entertainment, Fun. If you don't like what you do and do it for fame, then we have serious problems.
The importance lies in the fact that you are enjoying editing, if you have been having fun making your videos lately then we can say it was a success.
Fundamental Concept
Fundamental concept lies in the basic idea behind the video. In some cases as the story was told, in others because they want to perfect a style, there are still others who want to try new effects or editing tricks. The biggest aspect of the concept is how you want to keep people watching your video. Editing can take a long time. This can benefit you a lot, as you take more time and become better involved in the small details, forgetting anything in the end. Always keep the amv genre if you are going to make people cry with its drama, or feel a pulse in actions, etc. Keep this idea fixed in your mind and in all the other videos you dream of editing.
The next aspect of the concept is how you can pull in your viewers. AMV's are art to some people, to others they are music, and often to other people, story, and character. To be able to capture your viewers you need to bring something new or different. If your video has nothing more than what an anime does, why continue watching your video instead of watching the anime? , That's where originality comes in, There are around 130,00 videos on amv.org alone, not mentioning the videos that were never cataloged there. Face it, there are a lot of videos. If you don't have the creativity to stand out, it will just be one among the many others seen before. Originality is not just using a song and anime together that has never been seen before, after all, if someone uses that same anime along with that same song it won't be more original. Originality is difficult to describe, particularly because there are several ways of explain yourself, but nothing is certain; If you blindly follow this guide it will certainly not be original. This is the highest point of the topic. Try different things even if you are against this concept. This can also help you with your video editing experience. Also some of the most interesting effects can be found just by looking around. Some of these effects or editing tests will fail of course, but some you will definitely succeed and will be much more interesting than the original videos made.