This Wednesday morning (07), a new trailer for the Pokémon Sword & Shield games , revealing not only new rivias but also new forms for some Pokémon!
In the trailer we are introduced to the forms exclusive to the Galar region for existing Pokémon: The Galarian !
The forms are the ways that Pokémon have adapted to survive in this region and in the trailer, two Pokémon had their Galarian forms revealed: Weezing and Zigzagoon
Zigzagoon's evolution was also confirmed with a Galarian form, in addition to a new evolution exclusive to the region: Obstagoon!
In the trailer, new trainers rivaling the protagonist were also shown: Bede and Marnie
Bede is sponsored by the president of the Galar Pokemon League, and wants to become the champion, in addition to having other goals...
Marnie is competitive and wants to be the league champion to achieve a goal, she is always accompanied by her partner Morpeko, in addition to having a legion of fans obsessed with her called Team Yell. They try to get in everyone's way!
Team Yell Members:
Pokemon Sword and Shield is scheduled for worldwide release on November 15th on Nintendo Switch.
Via: Moetron , Switch Brasil