Nintendo announced a new title in the “Super Smash Bros.” franchise. For Wii U and 3DS, for now under the name “Super Smash Bros. Next”. The game is in the early stages of development by Namco Bandai and Project Sora and will only arrive in 2014, but Nintendo has already provided some details. One of the highlights of the new game is the presence of Mega Man, the classic Capcom character, who gained a lot of relevance in the game's trailer. Another confirmed presence is The Villager, from the “Animal Crossing” series.
Nintendo confirmed the return of several classic characters, such as Mario, Samus, Fox McCloud, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Pit, Bowser and Princess Peach. Among the battle scenarios are “The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks”, “Twilight Princess” and “Skyward Sword”. Dr. Willy's internship in “Mega Man” and even a scenario directly from “Nintendogs” will also be present.
Check out the Trailer: