We have the first trailer for the Sugar Apple Fairy Tale anime . According to information from the official website Crunchyroll streaming service .
Check it out:
Therefore, the direction is by Youhei Suzuki , character designer by Haruko Iizuka JCSTAFF studio .
The story takes place in the Highland Kingdom, where fairies serve humans and centers on a girl named Anne. Anne's mother recently passed away, so Anne decides to continue the family trade and become a Silver Sugar Master, a special artisan who can create magical sweets. With her foul-mouthed fairy bodyguard, Charles, she sets out on a journey to the capital.
Writer Miri Mikawa and artist aki launched the Sugar Apple Fairy Tale novels in April 2010 and ended with volume 17 in February 2015. Alto Yukimura published a two-volume manga adapting the novels in Hakusensha 's Hana to Yume between 2013-2014.