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Namco Bandai Games announced its newest game in the Tales series. Titled Tales of Asteria, this new saga arrives for Android and iOS portable devices.
The game will bring together several characters from long franchises in the Tales series, such as: Cress, Lloyd, Luke, Yuri, Sophie and Milla Maxwell from the latest Tales of Xillia. The production will all be carried out by Wit Studio, which previously worked on the acclaimed 2013 Attack on Titan.
A teaser for the game has also started to be released, which will feature a completely original story.
The word “ Asteria ” means “star story”, according to the official website , which also opened this week, is accepting pre-registration for the game, and those who sign up early will have the chance to win a card of the character Milla and another card of some of the characters to use in the game.
[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-vypOPJmBg” width=”560″ height=”315″]