A trailer and promotional image for the new anime The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls U149 , in addition we can hear the opening theme Shine In The Sky ☆. According to the official website, the series arrives on TVS in Japan on April 5th this year.
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls U149 – Anime gets trailer and promotional image
Check it out:
【解禁情報②】本日公開された最新PVにて、オープニングテーマ『 Shine In The Skyた♪
U149 pic.twitter.com/ DqWTKbmRr0— TVアニメ「アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ U149」公式 (@u149_anime) February 15, 2023
Directed by Manabu Okamoto at animation studio CygamesPictures (Princess Connect! Re:Dive), character design by Norie Igawa .
The story follows girls who are aspiring idols, despite not having a producer or shows. However, perhaps with a wonderful dress, a wonderful stage and a wonderful prince... The new Cinderella story follows these little 5'4 idols and their little rookie producer.
Finally, The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U14 began on Cycomi in 2016. The work written and illustrated by Kyowno is serialized on Cycomics, the Cygames website. The bound version is the responsibility of the publisher Kodansha.
Source: Official Website
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