Today, we brought you some Anime Sequels most awaited by fans. Furthermore, we don't have everyone's forecast and details. However, everyone listed here has already been confirmed, to the delight of all of us. Anyway, without further ado, let’s get to know the list:

Anime Sequels – Animes
Attack On Titan: The Final Season (4th Season): So, we open our list with the last season of Attack on Titan. She was a tremendous success with her part 1 and promises a lot in her final stretch. Therefore, it will probably debut next year, that is, in 2022!
Demon Slayer 2nd Season: Now, one of the biggest successes of recent years, even more so with its film! Thus, everyone was speculating about a return for the 4th quarter of this year, but we still haven't had any official information. Anyway, check out the anime trailer below:
Overlord 4th Season: Here, we have this work with increasing success since 2015, when the 1st season was released. Therefore, the 2nd and 3rd were distributed in a row in 2018! And finally, after a few years we have the announcement of the 4th season, but without an announced date.
Shield Hero 2nd Season: This wonderful work that was successful a few years ago is back with a bang now. However, the initial forecast was for October of this year, that is, in a few months. However, it unfortunately ended up being postponed until April 2022. Anyway, at least now they will have more time to deliver quality material without rushing.
Anime Sequels – Films
Jujutsu Kaisen O: Now, opening our part of films, we start with Jujutsu which will animate a part of the manga , where we will see young Yuta. In other words, we already know that it won't focus on our beloved protagonist, but anyone who follows the manga knows that Yuta is a key player in the future. Furthermore, we already have a premiere date: December 24th!
Overlord: Sei Ookoku-hen: To everyone's surprise, Overlord not only announced its 4th season, but also a film for the work! Furthermore, this just shows that the success of the anime is on the rise and that is why they are investing so heavily in it. However, we also do not have any further information to reveal.
Slam Dunk: Here we see a classic from our dear master Inoue. Thus, he announced the Slam Dunk film at the beginning of the year, but to date very little information has been released about the film. Either way, fans can be very excited for his future in theaters!
Black Clover: And to finish our list, we have a Black Clover film that was a bigger success after its more than 150 episodes! Furthermore, we already know that it is scheduled to be released in the winter season of 2022, that is, probably at the end of next year!
So guys, did you like the list? Always keep an eye on our blog for any updates on these works or others and see you next time!