And how about you check out with us a super list of some of the best Pokémon Starters. Therefore, the Anime is a true success to this day and its game grows every year. Therefore, it was with this in mind that we decided to bring you this list. Therefore, it is also worth highlighting that it is based on our own opinions, so leave it in the comments if you agree or not. In fact, think about donating to our blog, so we can stay alive and working. Now, without further ado, let’s go to this top 5:
The Best Pokémon Starters – Top 05

05. Mudkip: First, let's start with this super cute creature, but unfortunately it is one of the least popular among the starters. On the other hand, it is worth remembering that it is part of the 3rd generation and in its last form it becomes water and land types. In other words, it nullifies its disadvantage against electric Pokémon, in addition to opening up a wide range of abilities. Definitely one of the cutest of all.
04. Snivy: Here, we see the initial plant type of the 5th generation. Therefore, it is worth highlighting its final form in Serperior, becoming, in my humble opinion, one of the most majestic and beautiful creatures that have ever been made. Therefore, it is worth highlighting its entire shape, which resembles that of a huge snake, greatly increasing its speed, which is its strong point. Finally, with all this, it is a great choice in any game.
The Best Pokémon Starters – Top 03
03. Froakie
Now opening our top 3, let's talk about a Pokémon that really stood out, especially in our dear Ash's team. Therefore, as part of the 6th generation, he gained a lot of prominence in the work, mainly due to his resemblance to a frog and ninja personality. It is also worth noting that it is a water and night type, and can bring a good kit to your team.
02. Turtwig
Now in the top 2, let's talk about this Pokémon that really stood out in the hands of Paul, one of Ash's rivals. Soon, like Mudkip, he acquired earthly properties in his last form. Other than that, he also stands out a lot with his grotesque and exuberant appearance, as well as his huge tree on his back. Anyway, one of my favorite Pokémon since its release in the 4th generation.
01. Charmander
And finally, let's talk about a true classic! Well, our beloved Charmander is from the very first generation and manages to appear in every season of the anime. Furthermore, with his imposing dragon form in his final form, he stands out a lot, whether in the series or in games, being a favorite of many to this day. Finally, it is worth highlighting its Mega Evolutions X and Y, in addition to its Gigantamax form!
Anyway guys, this was our special list of the day. I hope you liked it, leave a comment and see you next time!