Viz Media has been a top-tier publisher when it comes to manga . As the medium has become more popular lately in North America and several countries, sales have soared as a result. In a series of 2024 manga listings from Viz, it appears that publishers are looking to raise the price of their manga volumes for the first time in over fifteen years . While not yet officially confirmed by Viz, the writing appears to be on the wall.
Viz Media – Manga will increase in price in North America
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Manga sales in North America have been plentiful in recent years, but the recent coronavirus pandemic started a trend in which anime and manga sales have been boosted in part thanks to readers looking to pass the time. Surprisingly, following the easing of lockdowns, manga sales have not fallen from the heights reached in the “COVID-19 era,” as more readers are discovering the medium’s movers and shakers. For some time, Viz Media has typically sold a volume of manga for around $9.99, but with the new listings, it remains to be seen how fans will react to the increase when it comes to some of their favorite manga series.
How much will Viz Manga prices increase?
Viz Media's 2024 manga prices have apparently increased from $9.99 to $11.99 on Amazon and Other sites. Even with this increase, it appears that Viz is still ahead of some competitors, as publishers such as Kodansha , Yen Press , and Seven Seas Entertainment typically charge between $12.99 and $14.99 per manga volume.
For some time now, Viz Media has been the go-to place to acquire titles that operate under the shonen umbrella. Titles include the likes of Dragon Ball Super , One Piece , Bleach , Naruto , Chainsaw Man , and too many other manga to count. Thanks to the growing popularity of manga around the world, it looks like Viz isn't slowing down when it comes to publishing manga.
Finally, what do you think about the increase in manga prices in North America?
Source: CB
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