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The first promotional video for the Wonder Momo by Namco Bandai , based on the 1987 Beat'em up arcade game. There will be 5 episodes in total with five minutes each. It will be shown every Thursday at 9:30 pm on Niconico in Japan, starting in February it will be shown every Tuesday via Crunchyroll worldwide.
It will be directed by Yutaka Kagawa (Hajime Ningen Gon, Nightwalker) at Graphinica studio (Hellsing Ultimate, Rakuen Tsuiho) , Yuichi Yoshida will be in charge of character design and animation direction, script by Ayumi Inabe , Shigetaka Kurita will be the general manager and Robert Pereyda will be the producer of the project.
One day, a group of aliens planning to take over the Earth infiltrates Tokyo. Momoko , who wants to be a singer, unexpectedly gets involved in the fight. Warudemon , king of the alien empire, uses varied tactics to hunt Momoko and the people around her. Momoko decides to face Warudemon in a direct and simple way.
[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8aBK2bOf68″ width=”560″ height=”315″]