All cutscenes in the game will be dubbed
The long-awaited game from the franchise The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild will be dubbed in the Cutscenes (animated scenes of the game) according to information confirmed by the franchise's producer, Eiji Anouma in an interview with the French website Game Kult ( omelette ). Anouma commented that the decision was made due to the large number of cut scenes in the game. It is likely, however, that the character Link will continue as a silent protagonist.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild game takes Link to a vast world, with several activities available from the first moment of the adventure. The game was awarded best of E3 2016, best of Gamescom 2016, and will be released for Wii U and Nintendo Switch on March 3.
Check out the recent trailer that was released:
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