
AnimeNew is a news website related to the universe of anime, manga, games and more. We were born with the purpose of keeping the otaku fan up to date.
622 Articles

Doukyuusei Remake: Anime gets episode 2 trailer

Renowned adult anime company Pink Pineapple has revealed exciting news about…

Kanojo Okarishimasu: Chizuru gets animated and otakus go crazy

The popular character Chizuru from the anime Kanojo Okarishimasu became the focus of…

10 Ecchi anime that promise entertainment in 2024

If you are passionate about the world of anime and like…

Kimetsu no Yaiba – Mitsuri gets a new sensual figure and surprises otakus

After the end of the 3rd season of the Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) anime,…

Naruto – Tsunade gets new sexy figure and drives otakus crazy

The company “YaSu Studio” announced the launch of a sensual figure of…

Genshin Impact – Yoimiya gets a new sensual figure and drives gamers crazy

The company “Starry Sky Studio” impressed the gaming community with…

Nanatsu no Taizai – Elizabeth gets a new sensual figure and drives otakus crazy

The manufacturer “Pointer Bear Studio” announced the launch of a sensual figure…

Dragon Ball Z – Elegant figure of Android 18 delights otakus

The manufacturer “Diamond Studio” announced the launch of a sensual figure based…

One Piece – Hancock gets new sensual figure and surprises otakus

The manufacturer “Dragon Studio” announced the launch of a sensual figure based on the character Hancock…

Fate/Stay Night – Saber gets new figure and surprises otakus

Manufacturers “Ume Studio and UT Studio” announced the launch of a figure…

Evangelion – Rei gets a new sensual figure and surprises otakus

The production company “DreamX Studio” announced the launch of a special figure of…

Cyberpunk: Lucy and David gets animation drives otakus crazy

The Cyberpunk anime was a worldwide success, several animations and fanarts from the series emerged over time,…