The official Twitter account for Kodansha 's Magazine Pocket Keigo Maki 's Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san manga will be getting an anime adaptation by studio Doga Kobo .
The staff will announce more details about the production soon.
Maki thanked the staff for the adaptation and said that he is looking forward to seeing what kind of anime it will be, as just another viewer in the audience. Maki wondered if this was all a dream. To celebrate the news, Magazine Pocket is offering the first volume of the manga for free. Also offering a signed art reproduction and five signed t-shirts to people who post on Twitter with the hashtag “#式守さんアニメ化” (#ShikimoriAnimeAdaptation).
Shikimori seems like the perfect girlfriend: cute, fun to be around, and sweet when she wants to be... but she has a cool dark side that comes out under the right circumstances. And her boyfriend, Izumi, loves being around when this happens!
Furthermore, Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san was first published by the author on his Twitter account, the official serialization in Magazine Pocket began on February 2, 2019. Furthermore, the manga won 5th place in the Tsugimanga 2020 award in the Web Manga category .