Pokémon franchise was born in games and has sold more than 200 million units in 14 years. Since then, the Nintendo series has become a merchandising phenomenon, gaining a long-running animated series, films and thousands of Pikachu and company products. And to celebrate the launch of Pokémon X and Y , the new generation of the Pokémon series, Nintendo will give rare monsters to Brazilian fans. Dialga, Palkia and Giratina are the main legendary Pokémon from the Diamond and Pearl games. They will be distributed in the shiny version, which has modified colors. There will be three distribution periods in the main retail stores throughout Brazil: August 30th to September 12th (Dialga), September 13th to 26th (Palkia) and September 27th to October 11th (Giratina). To get the Legendaries, simply show up with a Nintendo DS or Nintendo 3DS and a copy of Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2 or Pokémon White 2. In the game, the player must have the Pokédex application and not have more than 11 wonders cards. The games, exclusive to Nintendo 3DS, will be released on October 12th, simultaneously.
Nintendo will give rare Pokémon to Brazilian Fans!

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