In the comments of a forum, fans were excitedly debating certain forgotten animes that were once giants in the industry, but that over time lost relevance in conversations.
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- Animes that otakus regret watching
The question raised by one of the users generated a deep reflection on the changing dynamics of the otaku community and how interests shift towards the latest news. “What animes have completely fallen into irrelevance?
I'm very interested in series that used to be giants in the industry, but now their presence in the conversation is just a whisper. What are some anime that have completely fallen into irrelevance as time has passed? “, asked the user.

This question triggered a series of varied responses, where participants reflected on how certain animes, which once dominated the scene and captured the public's attention, were gradually forgotten or relegated to the background.
Some users pointed out that the ephemeral nature of the entertainment industry can mean that even the biggest hits eventually fall into oblivion, eclipsed by new proposals and trends. Others mentioned market saturation and media overexposure as factors that may contribute to the decline in relevance of certain anime over time.
Check out all the comments:
- Tokyo Ghoul? I agree, this is largely due to the final season being a disaster, but even so, it used to be one of the animes, on par with SAO, Death Note, Code Geass, etc. Now people do everything they can to forget him.
- Noragami. It was big, but it disappeared, mainly because it didn't have a third season. I would say Blue Exorcist, but he came back from the dead.”
- Haruhi and Shakugan no Shana come to mind. Haruhi had a great first season, she was everywhere. People who didn't see her were really tired of seeing her on the forums (yes, that was back then). Shana was the tsundere par excellence. People adored her. Both series are now so irrelevant that mentioning them might provoke a '…huh?' among younger or more recent fans. Haruhi still has a certain reputation, but I rarely see it mentioned online.
- I had forgotten Magi existed until about two weeks ago. It used to be huge.
- Love Hina was a big deal 20 years ago as it was the archetype of ecchi harem anime in its heyday. As the genre fell out of favor, it became a footnote.
- A Certain Magical Index was a hit when it debuted in 2008. If you ask anime fans under the age of 25, like my sister, if they know each other, they probably don't.
Therefore, other fans highlighted more forgotten animes:
- Before Sword Art Online, Log Horizon and all these 'trapped in a game' series, there was the .hack series, in particular .hack//Sign.
- LogHorizon. It was very popular, then the creator got involved in a tax fraud scandal, I believe, and disappeared for a LONG time. It came back… to mixed reviews and then just… disappeared.
- I don't see Ah! My Goddess. Beldandy used to be a top tier waifu back then.
- Deadman Wonderland.
- Haruhi Suzumiya is nowhere near as big as she was in the mid-2000s.
- Lucky Star. A classic that seems to fall more into irrelevance with each passing day.
- Who still remembers D. Gray Man?
- Elfen Lied and Mirai Nikki were quite notable and controversial series when they were released, but nowadays they are barely talked about.
- I haven't heard Escaflowne's name since the 90s, although he was in that big first wave.
- Soul Eater
Finally, it's time to find out which forgotten animes you have on your list.
Source: Reddit