June has arrived and with it Pride Month or LGBTQIA+ Pride Month
Moment when LGBTs celebrate gender and sexuality diversity. And for that reason I decided to make a list of the most influential couples in the world of anime .
Mafuyu Sato and Ritsuka Uenoyama (Given)
Among so many different genres and styles of anime, one of the ones that stands out the most is Yaoi or BL . However, even though it is a more common style among girls, Given managed to catch everyone's attention not only because of its engaging musical theme, but also because of a breathtaking story and a wonderful couple formed by Mafuyu Sato and Ritsuka Uenoyama .
Yuri and Victor (Yuri on Ice)
It's not very common in sports to hear about the LGBT . Despite this, Yuri on Ice committed to talking about the subject and brought not just a character, but a protagonist couple. In this sense, the couple demonstrated on several occasions the challenges of being an athlete in addition to the challenges of being LGBT .
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)
There's no way to talk about LGBT in anime without mentioning Sailor Urano and Sailor Neptune . The couple who during the 90s managed to show the world a lesbian relationship and break barriers through animation at a time when LGBT rights were still being achieved.
Touya and Yukito (Sakura Card Captors)
Another couple that cannot be left out when it comes to LGBT in anime. Firstly, the romance between Touya and Yukito in Sakura Cardcaptors , unfortunately is made up due to the censorship suffered during the adaptation from East to West. However, this did not stop them from experiencing many beautiful moments together and bringing joy to the LGBT .
Ymir and Christa (Attack on Titan)
A recent but extremely beloved couple throughout the otaku community is Ymir and Chista from Attack on Titan . First of all, Ymir caught everyone's attention for her affectionate and careful way with Chista from the beginning and throughout the story their relationship only grows in an original and respectful way.
Eiji Okumura and Ash Lynx (Banana Fish)
The couple that made many people cry. Eiji and Ash Yaoi or BL anime , for representing in a real way the challenges of a gay romance, especially in a mafia environment and managing to deliver heartbreaking moments.
Finally, which anime did you identify LGBTQIA+ couples in?