Now find out with us about the Animes of 2021. Well, the renowned portal NetLab ITmedia carried out a survey on the works that did not receive due attention, that is, they were underestimated by everyone. So, let's redeem ourselves and give them the merit they deserve! In fact, think about donating to our blog, so we can stay alive and working. Now, without further ado, let’s get to the list:
The Most Underrated Animes Of 2021 – Top 05
05. Seven Knights Revolution – Eiyuu no Keishousha: First, let's start with this work that revolves around many heroes who saved the world from destruction. Now, time has passed and the Successors awaken the powers of the heroes of old and are entrusted with the fate of the world. In this way, the Seven Knights are a group of superior successors. Among the Seven Knights is a young woman named Faria, who fights against the troops of Destruction. In the midst of this battle, save a young man named Nemo. Nemo then awakens the power of a successor, but no one knows the hero whose powers he inherited.
04. Back Arrow: Ringarindo is a territory surrounded by a wall. Thus the wall surrounds, protects, cultivates and nourishes this land. The wall is the foundation of Ringarindo's land. One day, a mysterious man named Back Arrow appears in the village of Essha, on the outskirts of Ringarindo. Arrow has lost his memories, but says all he knows is: “I came from beyond the wall.” To restore his memories, Arrow travels beyond the walls, but is in the midst of a battle with himself.
The Most Underrated Animes Of 2021 – Top 03
03. Gekidol – Actidol Project
Already opening our top 03, we follow a story where five years after a disaster decimated cities around the world, Seria Morino receives an invitation from a woman to join “Alice no Teatro”, a small theater company in charge of illuminating the world through of your 3D presentations. So, as Seria settles into her new surroundings, she begins to discover unexpected truths about herself and the world around her...
02. LBX Girls
This one takes place in 2051, where five young people who wear LBX power armor and fight against the Mimesis, a type of evil metallic life form that multiply throughout the multiverse and corrupt everything they find. With a total of 12 episodes, it is certainly a unique story.
01. Blue Reflection Ray
And finally, the most underrated anime was this work that tells the story of the late start to school life of Hinako Shirai, who has just recovered from a leg injury due to an accident. What's more, the magical sisters Yuzu and Lime granted her a special power to become a 'Reflector'. Now, Hinako transforms into the magical form of Reflector and protects the world from devastating forces, for the sake of the world and her own dream, which she thought she had to give up on.
Anyway guys, these were the most underrated series of the entire year 2021. How many of these works mentioned did you watch? Anyway, I'm definitely going to give some of them a try and you can see the full list in the link at the end of the page. Have a great Sunday and see you next time!
Source: NetLab ITmedia